The Pinecrest Water System, which services approximately 800 residents, has been in violation of the PFAS* standard since April 20, 2022. People who drink this water could experience problems with their blood serum cholesterol levels, liver, kidney, immune system, or in males, the reproductive system. Drinking water containing PFAS in excess of the MCL (micrograms per liter) over time may also increase the risk of testicular and kidney cancer. For females, drinking water containing PFAS in excess of the MCL over time may cause developmental delays in a fetus and/or an infant. Some of these developmental effects may persist through childhood.
*Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, are a large family of thousands of manmade chemicals that have been used in industrial and commercial applications for over 70 years. PFAS, also known as “forever chemicals,” repel water and oil and are resistant to heat and chemical reactions.

On July 11, 2023, the Mount Olive Township Business Administrator reported he anticipates the filtration system, which was approved by the NJDEP in late June will be installed within 6-12 months. If his estimate is correct, Pinecrest water customers will have been paying for unsafe drinking water for 20 to 26 months.
Our team discovered there are users of the Pinecrest water system who are not aware of the problem with the PFAS and have been drinking water from the tap since April 2022. Equally concerning is private well owners in the area have not been notified of the problem so they can test their water and take appropriate action.
Mount Olive Water and Sewer Department owns and operates 10 municipal water systems with approximately 4700 service connections. There are also approximately 3,015 private wells in Mount Olive. All residents in Mount Olive receive their water from the same source, the ground. The PFAS problem will not be segregated to Pinecrest customers over the long term. Policies and procedures need to be implemented to inform the public and provide us with the resources needed to stay safe and healthy the moment PFAS violations are discovered.
Our team believes in transparency, ethics, and communication to better serve the people of Mount Olive. We believe that everyone has the right to pure water, clean air and a healthy environment. When elected, the Vote Mount Olive team would prioritize better communications and swift action to ensure the safety of our residents.
Helpful Links
- Private Well Owner Testing-
- NJDEP Powerpoint on PFAS-
- Private Well Owners – Treating PFAS at home National Sanitation Foundation website –
- Annual Drinking Water Quality Report for Mount Olive –
- NJ Spill Fund- For private well owners to apply for compensation
Roads served by pinecrest
- Canfield
- Carteret
- Cedar
- Cleacene
- Elm
- Elwell
- Evergreen Pkwy
- Foothill
- Hatakawana
- Hillcrest
- Jared
- Johnston
- Magestro
- Man Ave.
- Midland
- Outlook Ave
- Peck Street
- Pine Street
- Prospect
- Prospect
- Salmon
- Springdale Ter.
- Sunrise
- Timberline
- Tulip
- Wildwood
- Woodsedge